Combined Federal Campaign InfoCombined Federal Campaign InfoCombined Federal Campaign Info
Combined Federal Campaign InfoCombined Federal Campaign InfoCombined Federal Campaign Info
Combined Federal Campaign InfoCombined Federal Campaign InfoCombined Federal Campaign Info
National Federation of
Federal Employees  IAM
An Affiliation of the International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers   
Federal District # 1 AFL-CIO 

JCK Bldg  Rm 670 
230 S. Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 353-0830 / 353-0446
NFFE Headquarters
IAMAW Headquarters
WWW Educ & Tech Cntr
Guide to Elections
Office of Personnel Mangement
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Industrial Workers of World
Office of Special Counsel
Gov Exec Bill Tracker
Search for Legislation
White House
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NFFE FD1's Legislative Page
House of Representatives
US Senate
Project Vote Smart
Congressional Quarterly
AFGE's Legislative Page
IAM Gov't Employee Issues
Legislative Fact Sheets
College of Complexes
Contacting the Congress
Links to Many Subjects
Workers Compensation
The Union  
On the Job
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Links to 100 Agencies
US Office of Government Ethics
Internet Guide to Congress
Merit Systems Protection Board
Federal Times
Nat'l Assn of Retired Federal Employees
Federal Web Locator
Lawcopedia/Employment & Labor
See Search Engines
General Federal Links to Sites
Info on Contracting Out
General Labor Law
Legal Engine
Fed Week News
Mike Causey Radio
Join NFFE/IAM Today!!!
All Together Now
Regulations Library
US Code Title 5
Nat'l Assn of Gov't Employees
Federal Personnel Law
American Arbitration Association
Labor Net
AFSME Labor Links
Labour Start
Congressional Committees
Federal Employees News Digest
Law For All
GSA's Guide for Federal Laywers
On-Line Steward's Manual
Major Event in the History of Organized Labor
May 4th Chicago, IL
1886    Haymarket
Guide to Search Engines
Research and Internet Guide
Occupational Safety & Health
Union Label
Memership Benefits
IBEW Steward Guide
Check This Location Often
Recommended Reading
Institute for Industrial Relations
Department of Labor
Access Board
Americans with Disabilities Act
Center for Labor Reasearch & Education
American Civil Liberties Union
There once was a union maid, she never was afraid
Of goons and ginks and company finks
And deputy sheriffs who made the raid.
She went to the union hall, when a meeting it was called
And when the company boys come' round
She always stood her ground.

Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the Union
I'm sticking to the Union, I'm sticking to the Union.
Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the Union,
I'm sticking to the Union 'til the day I die.

Info on Women in the Workforce
Info  on Women in the Workforce
Click Here to Play
NFFE is very active in Congress
NFFE is very active in Congress
NFFE is very active in Congress
Issued June 10th
Documents Center
Prohibited Personnel Practices
Right to Representation
Details of Authorized Political Acticity
Occupational Safety & Health
Join NFFE!!!
Union Inernet Services
Labor Law Links
Jobs With Justice
ACLU of Illinois
Audio Clips of Cesar Chavez
Si Se Puede!
Once social change begins it cannot be reversed.
You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read.
You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride.
You cannot oppress a people who are not afraid anymore.
                                                   Cesar Chavez
Volunteer Today!!!
Volunteer Today!!!
Info on Previous Buyout
USA Freedom Corps
Chicago Federation of Labor
United Assoc for Labor Education
Illinois Labor History Society
Unions Online
Nat'l Interfaith Comm for Worker Justice
Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund
Resources for Union Organizing
National Labor Institutes
Labor Education Center
Council for Disability Rights
OPM Email Directory
4 Links to
Don't know what are your rights, or maybe just heard a rumor, then e-mail your question to NFFE - all inquiries will be responded to within 3 days
See Red Button for Current Info
We Shall Not Be Moved
We'll Build A
Mighty Union

Check With NFFE at (312) 353-0830 or 353-0446
Federal Employee's Charity
Illinois AFL-CIO
Active Local Organization
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed people can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
                                         Margaret Mead
Guide to Disability Rights Laws
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch
Freedom to Manage Initiative
Large List of Links
OPM Regulations & Guidance
See Sites Above for Pending Legislation
Contact Your Congressmen Today
Contacting Congress
Find Volunteer Opportunities
Award Program Negotiations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Union and/or Personal
PBS Awards Program
NFFE Members Should Contact their Representatives
Nationwide Grievance
Labor Net Links
Independent Media for Labor
Another Reason To Join NFFE
United Farm Workers
IWW Industrial Workers of World
Dental Indemnity Plans
Proposals of Union / Management
Chicago Has An Active Chapter of JWJ
Pertains to Private Sector
Pertains to Private Sector
Digital Freedom Network
Freedom To Read Foundation
Press Go on Search for Short Biography & Links
Freedom to
Read Foundation
Mother Jones
This Page Is One of Them
Important Info on Our Rights
See Article 17 of our Contract
See Article 17 of our Contract
See Article 17 of our Contract
See Article 17 of our Contract
Hold Cursor Over Buttons for Subtitles to Appear
  Illustrations Below Are Linked to Those Sites
NFFE / GSA National Council 1-800-759-8888  Pin # 1611254
"A lot of workers think they have important rights guaranteed by law.  The fact of the matter is that  the United States has the weakest labor laws of any major industrialized country.  In the absence of a union contract workers have very minimal legal rights...." LND
Strategic Plan
Job Accommodation Network
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!!!
Non-Violent Conflict Resolution